Chase the Moon: A Historical Romance Read online

Page 3

  Alma moved away without a sound and returned to the stove to start the water boiling for dumplings.

  A young black woman entered thru the back door and nodded somewhat nervously to Sabrina.

  “Just in time.” Alma said welcoming the newcomer. “Jasmine, this is Sabrina. Jasmine lives in town, Warren hired her to help me out with all the company coming.”

  Sabrina smiled at her. “Nice to meet you Jasmine.”

  “Thank you Miss Lovett.”

  “Oh no please call me Sabrina. I couldn’t tell you the last time I’ve been called Miss.” She said with a twinkle in her eye as she thought back to all the years she spent pretending to be a boy.

  Jasmine joined Sabrina at the table. She held in her hand a long sharp knife with a thin blade. Sabrina watched as she quickly cut off the head and feet and skillfully split the chicken down the middle. Seeing the birds intestines spill out Sabrina’s stomach lurched and she hurried outside to vomit.

  She moved to the outside pump to cleanse her mouth and wash her face off.

  Once she felt settled she returned back to the kitchen where Alma immediately put her to work at the stove making hoe cakes instead.

  Hoe cakes were Sabrina’s favorite. She wondered if Alma knew that or just liked them herself. She remembered the first time she tasted one. Her father had told them stories about the civil war, about the soldiers’ plight and lack of food and equipment. He told them how the soldiers used their trench shovels to cook over the fire. They would mix up a thick cornbread batter and pour it onto blade. Holding it over the open blaze it would bake into a handy pancake like bread they could hold with their hand and eat or save for later.

  Encouraged by her children her mother mixed up some up batter and fried it in her iron skillet with a bit of bacon grease. The first bite into the crispy concoction and Sabrina was hooked. She was glad to be making them herself now instead of dealing with the chickens.

  In the mean time Warren pulled Brock into his office. Offering him a cigar, Brock declined.

  “I’m very grateful that you took up my offer to come to Montgomery.”

  “It was Sabrina’s decision. They are her demons and it is up to her to confront them or not.”

  “Nevertheless, it is good for her to be home. I would like to request, for proprieties sake, that until the wedding you sleep separately. I would not want to affront any of the guests.”

  Brock snorted as his already tense body tightened. “First of all, it saddens me that you would care about other’s opinions over that of your own sister. Secondly, we are wed under Comanche law, which you may not uphold but I do. Third, Sabrina does not sleep well alone, she has night terrors. If you want any of your guests getting rest you may want to reconsider your request. Not to mention the fact that it should be quite obvious to everyone that we have been together since she is carrying my child.

  On that note it is, nevertheless, your house, I will respect your wishes. Although, I doubt that your guests are as ignorant as you believe them to be. I think it’s a little late to pass Sabrina off as a virgin.” Brock stood in anger and nodded to Warren before leaving the suddenly cold room.

  Brock stepped out on the front porch and took some deep breaths. He hated when people treated him like something they stepped in. That is one reason why he was not up front with his heritage. The reason he chose to follow his father’s path instead of that of his mothers’ ancestors. He had just realized that he had been lying to himself all these years and he was ashamed. To think he had been angry at Sabrina for pretending to be something she was not; when he was doing the same damn thing. He let out sigh.

  “Rough day?” A voice asked.

  Brock jumped as he turned to face Riley who was seated in a rocking chair nearby.

  “Just had a talk with Warren.”

  Riley laughed motioning to the chair next to him for Brock to sit. Brock shook his head as he still tried to calm his anger.

  “Well, if you were with Warren it was probably more like a ‘Listen’ than a talk. Warren’s a good man; he does tend to get his priorities messed up though. As I’m sure you know.”

  Brock nodded sitting down next to Riley. They sat in a comfortable silence. Brock rocked slowly as the breeze and motion calmed him.

  Dinner however, was an awkward affair. Brock was quiet leaving the others to carry on the conversations. Sabrina was still queasy and was only able to nibble on a hoe cake. She could not even look at the fried chicken. She did not know if she would ever be able to eat chicken again. Excusing herself from the table, Brock followed.

  “You okay?” he asked in concern as they entered the family room.

  “Just a bit tired.” She told him about the chickens and he smiled.

  “You should have called me, I would have helped. “

  “I know.” She said settling into his arms and stretching up to hug him. Their lips met gently in a sweet kiss. “Let’s go to bed.”

  Brock pulled away reluctantly. “Maybe we should sleep separately until the wedding.”

  Sabrina frowned. “What are you talking about?”

  “I just thought it might not look well.”

  Sabrina took a step back and crossed her arms in anger. “Where is this coming from? I know this is not coming from you. It’s Warren isn’t it?”

  “Warren is just thinking about your welfare.”

  “If Warren was worried about my welfare he would keep his stupid mouth shut.” She said as she turned to head back into the dining area.

  Warren paused with the fork full of blackberry cobbler halfway to his mouth as Sabrina slammed her small fist down on the table.

  “I’m not even here one day and you are trying to control my life? This is my house as well as yours and I will do what I damn well please. I am not some youngster you can manipulate to your will. I never was. Brock is my chosen and we will be sharing a room and a bed. If you have a problem with that or anything else I do I suggest you discuss it with ME!”

  Warren met her eyes and nodded without speaking. Taking a deep breath to calm herself she turned to the others at the table watching with interest as they tried to hide their smiles. “Goodnight.”

  “Night sugar.”

  “Sweet dreams.”

  “Have fun.”

  Sabrina turned to glare at Samuel’s reply as she left to head upstairs to bed with Brock.

  The next morning after breakfast Sabrina took Brock on her own tour of the grounds. They walked to the river and Sabrina showed him where she had first met Samuel. He had been almost whipped to death and thrown into the river to die. Sabrina found him caught in the branches of fallen tree over hanging the river and dragged him to shore.

  Next stop was the fishing spot. The one she had snuck off to with Samuel the day her family was attacked. She stood looking at the shadows of the fish in the water remembering that day vividly. Almost trance like she retraced her path from years ago and stopped on the knoll above her home remembering the carnage.

  Warm hands covered her shoulders and she leaned back into Brock’s solid embrace accepting his strength. Turning into his arms she hugged him back tightly, using him as a tether to reality. Her heart was filled with sadness but she did not cry. Crying would not bring them back.

  The rest of the week passed quickly, Sabrina was anxiously awaiting Brock’s families’ arrival. It would be good to have more people on her side. She was in a foul mood and Brock had refused to have sex until Thomas said it was okay. Nobody was immune from her bad temper.

  She took solace in the horses. She would visit Justice and Troy daily but Brock refused to let her ride. So instead she would just visit, bring treats to the horses and brush them down. Brock would still ride them around the ranch occasionally to keep them in shape and Sabrina would busy herself with Alma while he did.

  She had missed the older woman so much. She was constantly amazed at the knowledge the woman possessed and was willing to pass on. She had learned so much about gardening, sewing,
cooking, and healing. She thought back to her pitiful little over run garden in Oklahoma and thought about how much she could improve it now with Alma’s coaching.

  Her back was achy and sore from picking weeds and planting. Stretching as she stood she decided to have a bath. She was hot from the midday sun so instead of heating the water she used it straight from the tap to cool down. Climbing in she laid back against the cold rim to relax. She heard the door creak open slowly and sat up covering her breasts from view.

  “Thought you may need some help.” Brock said locking the door behind him as he knelt by the tub. He greeted her with a kiss. Sabrina kissed him back eagerly. It had been way too long since he had kissed her like that and she moaned out loud.

  He shushed her with a chuckle as he moved behind her to lather up her hair.

  Sabrina let her head lull back into his capable hands as he massaged her scalp and neck. Moving down to her shoulders he kneaded softly releasing the stress from the past week. He lathered a cloth and scrubbed down every inch of her.

  “Better?”He asked moving back to her side next to the tub.

  “Mmmmm.” She replied sleepily.

  His hand dipped under the water to her thigh and her eyes popped open in surprise.

  He trailed his fingers to the juncture of her legs as he bent down to capture her lips again. She moaned into his mouth as his fingers made their way past her soft curls to the silk below. He prodded gently before entering first one, then two into her depths.

  His tongue mimicked his rhythm as his thumb rubbed her center.

  Her breathing quickened and she had to pull away from his mouth so she could catch her breath. He chuckled as he kissed down her neck to her chest.

  She grabbed his head with both her hands as he locked onto her nipple. Twirling his tongue around first one, then the other all the while keeping up his ministrations below the water.

  Sabrina cried out as her body shuddered and he moved back up to muffle her sweet cry’s with his mouth.

  He pulled away with a final kiss as she relaxed back into the water.

  “Ready to get out?” He asked with a smirk as she shook her head no. He stood up and she frowned at him reluctantly opening her eyes.

  “Where are you going?”

  “Outhouse.” He murmured as Sabrina smiled looking at the stretched cloth of his pants.

  She settled back into the soothing water as he snuck back out.

  Chapter 4

  Chase rode into town, winter was relinquishing its grasp of the earth making way for spring. The air was still crisp and he was glad he chose to wear his vest. He quickly gathered the items from his list and stopped at the post office last. He was surprised by the size of the bundle of mail. Normally they only received one or two pieces. He noticed Sabrina’s familiar script and Brock’s brisk scrawl on several of the letters and large cream envelopes for everyone.

  Things have certainly changed at his domicile recently. After Brock and Sabrina left he grudgingly gave up his cabin to Thomas and his sister. He was the only one in his family who wasn’t coupled and he felt like a fifth wheel much of the time. Once his father was fully healed he decided he would strike out on his own like his older brother, Brock.

  Arriving home he felt like a celebrity as they all gathered around him for news. Laughing he passed out the mail. Everyone received several pieces. Jaelyn grabbed hers and headed to the cabin to read in peace.

  Once settled she picked up the large thick envelope eagerly. There were several similar envelopes that had arrived but this one was addressed to her as Miss Jaelyn Stafford. She hesitated in opening it as she pondered on the wording.

  “Aren’t you going to open it?” Thomas asked her smiling. His blues eyes danced as his brilliant blonde hair shined in the sunlight from the window.

  “Why is it addressed to Miss? They know we are together.” Jaelyn frowned as her dark eyes clouded with worry.

  Thomas explained patiently, “It’s a formal invitation. I’m sure that Warren had them sent out. No harm was meant.”

  Jaelyn did not understand the waste of sending out four invitations to the same place. Still frowning she ripped it open and marveled at the fancy writing on the inside. Her father had taught her and her brothers to read and write but she was having trouble deciphering the swirling letters.

  “It’s beautiful.” She said slightly upset since she could not decipher the words, tears filled her eyes. She did not want to express her ignorance to Thomas. She knew he came from an affluent family and she always wondered why he had chosen her to be his love. Summing up the situation Thomas took Jaelyn in his arms and hugged her tightly as he read the wedding invitation out loud.

  “How would it read if we were married?” She asked him shyly.

  Thomas lifted her face up to look into his. He kissed her after every word. “Mr… and… Mrs… Thomas… Reynold.” Capturing her lips in his he lifted her and carried her to their bed. He felt guilty for causing her sadness but Sabrina would kill him if he revealed that she and Brock were planning a double wedding.

  Jaelyn was not sure if she was more excited about the wedding, Brock’s baby, or traveling. She had never been farther from her home than Tulsey Town. Thomas had taken her with him to meet his family.

  Looking at her beloved as they lay on the pile of skins, she thought about how the circumstances that had brought them together. Injured in a bear trap left by some unskilled tenderfoot, Jonathan, her father required medical assistance. Stubbornly, he had refused to listen to reason. He rebuffed his family when they insisted he see a doctor. Anna, her mother, sent Chase after Brock to hopefully talk some sense into him. Not only did Chase bring back Brock, but Sabrina and Thomas as well. Thomas was forced to remove the leg and slowly but surely Jonathan regained his strength.

  Jaelyn loved traveling and visiting with Thomas’ family. He made her feel so special-As if she was a delicate flower. Growing up in Indian country with two big brothers, she was anything but delicate, but it was nice to be treated as such. Thomas’ father was wonderful; however, his sister was another story. Sally treated her like the help; especially after she found out she was half Comanche. She was much nicer to her and Thomas after Jaelyn cornered her in the library and threatened to scalp her if she ever did anything to cause Thomas pain. Jaelyn soon figured out she was just miffed that Jaelyn’s brother Brock was taken. Apparently, she did not care that he was half Comanche.

  Jaelyn was delighted that Brock had finally settled down. She loved Sabrina; she never had a sister before. She was excited about seeing her again and going to the wedding. Thomas had told her about some of the parties and weddings he had been to when he was up north at school. Jaelyn could not imagine the finery that he described.

  She packed up her clothes wishing she had something worthy to wear to such an event. Thomas kept telling her not to worry about it but she wanted to look as good as Thomas always did.

  Their group was traveling by train as well. Thomas insisted that they travel first class. He rented a wagon to transport all of them to town while Chase made arraignments for their horses and animals while they were gone on the long journey.

  Chase was weary of the extended trip. He did not like leaving his horses and home. Looking around at the green pines and the tiny buds on the oak trees fighting for sunlight he couldn’t imagine living anywhere else. It was easier he guessed for Brock to fit in, he had inherited their fathers brown wavy hair while he and his twin sister Jaelyn had straight black hair like their mother.

  Unconsciously he ran his hand through his shoulder length locks. He normally wore it longer but his mother insisted they arrive looking civilized. He was a bit envious of the fact that Brock and Jaelyn had found their soul mates. He had always felt his life was full and complete surrounded by his devoted family. Now, he wasn’t sure.

  It somehow seemed as if something or someone was missing. Not usually one to brood too long he smiled thinking it will be good to see Brock and Sabrina again. He
was taken by Sabrina immediately and a mite jealous of Brock for snaring the spunky brunette first. She was a hand full. It would be good to see them again, even if he was forced to wear one of those fancy neck cloths around his neck. With his troubles easing he lifted his face to the rising sun. Being unable to pass up the adventure, he inhaled the crisp morning air and finished loading the wagon.

  “Great timing.” He said to Thomas as he and Jaelyn appeared as he loaded the last satchel.

  Thomas’ “Um” and pink ears was all the explanation he needed. Shaking his head, he moved to help his parents into the back of the buckboard. Jaelyn chose to ride in the back with Thomas, as well as her parents. With a final look back at his home, he flicked his wrists. His muscular arms easily handling the horses’ reins as the wagon lumbered off.

  Jaelyn nervously smoothed down the burgundy traveling dress Thomas had purchased for her. The color blended perfectly with her mocha complexion. She stood watching as Chase and Thomas assisted her father onto the train first and then her mother. It was soon her turn and she eyed the metal giant hesitantly; it quivered as if about to spring forward at any second.

  Thomas smiled sweetly at her as he offered her his hand. Feeling like a child, she grasped it tightly as she climbed up the narrow black stairs. Her eyes widened in surprise as she stepped into the train cabin. It was not what she expected. She was not ignorant by any means; she had read many books about trains and train travel. What surprised her was instead of the rows of padded seats there were several seating sections with posh sofas and rooms off to the back, which Thomas informed her with a small blush contained beds. She looked at him in surprise.

  “You arranged for this?”


  “This whole thing is for us?”

  “Isn’t it grand?” Chase said stretching out lengthwise on one of the seats. Putting his feet up on the red velvet armrest, he dipped his hat over his head as if to sleep. Jaelyn stomped over knocking his feet down.